Liberate & Express

Welcome to Liberate & Express!

Step into a unique realm where your voice becomes your magic, your power and your liberation.

I’m Elisabeth de Charon de Saint Germain, and I’ve crafted a one-of-a-kind journey of transformation and empowerment, drawing from my experiences as a singer, mystic, writer, and creator of Musical Healing Potions.

Are you a trailblazer with a rebellious spirit? A spiritual, queer, creative soul yearning to be seen and heard? The space within Liberate & Express is not just a sanctuary, but a home that welcomes all the parts of what makes you you. Whether you’re a leader, musician, healer, artist, or speaker, you’ve found the space where your unique gifts are not just accepted, but they are celebrated and loved. This is where your voice can truly soar, and your uniqueness is valued.

Here, you’ll find more than just guidance; you’ll discover a deep acknowledgement of your power. Envision the transformation as you tap into your creative life force, share your authentic self, and step into full visibility. Together, we will awaken your alchemical healing voice, embrace your divine feminine and masculine energies, and dissolve the shadows of ‘not-enoughness.’

This is a call to all spiritually awakening souls: your longing for change, recognition, and authentic self-expression ends here. Join me in dismantling outdated paradigms and igniting your core powers. Let’s create a world where you will expand far beyond only survive but thrive, express your truth, and make an unforgettable impact. Your journey to liberation and expression, your personal growth, starts now. Let’s make magic happen!

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Your Soul is calling you:

Come and liberate my voice, awaken my true expression. I am here to play a magical Play, be a Leader of Change, to Dance, to Love, and freely Sing my Songs!”

The Liberate & Express healings, sessions, and programs build the space where you are invited to enter the Temple that is YOU and uncover your voice of change and full self expression.

Clients work with me individually, in group settings, and within interactive masterclasses and improvisational workshops/ concerts for organisations and companies. 


Hi, my name is Elisabeth de Charon de Saint Germain

As a singer, mystic, writer, and creator of Musical Healing Potions, I bring a unique blend of creativity and spirituality to my coaching. My focus on intuitive voice, singing, and feminine leadership sets me apart, guiding Way-Showers to transform their inner and outer voices into powerful tools for change. 

I offer my services to all creative, authentic, rebellious, queer, and spiritually awakening souls —leaders, business owners, musicians, singers, healers, artists, coaches and speakers. I am here to help you trust your unique gifts, tap into your creative life force, share your voices, become visible, and be impactful. Together, we will awaken your alchemical healing voice, embrace your divine feminine and masculine power, and transcend feelings of ‘not-enoughness.’ 

Embark on a transformative journey with me to ignite and awaken your core powers, transform outdated paradigms, and create a world where you can thrive.

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