Intuitive Vocal Freedom Course
Liberating the soft, sacred, healing, and revolutionairy power of your singing voice
Your Voice is a sacred mystery and an instrument of pure joy!
She connects you to your physical and spiritual reality.
- When you liberate your voice from the heaviness that has been put upon her, she will bring healing and alignment between your heart, your body, your emotions, and your spiritual being-ness.
I feel humbled and blessed that my voice and I, -my body | my emotions | my mind | my spirit, have created a deeply loving and healing relationship with each other.
- Even as a child my voice was the one who healed me.
After a life-long journey of holistic training, higher education, concerts, teaching many groups, students, and clients, this born-with sacred voice connection has emersed again. Now fully integrated to share her gift.

Your Intuitive Vocal Freedom Course
My soul is increasingly strong in her message towards me that she wants me to share what light, love, and joy can be found within our voices.
This gift has always been yours.
Now the invitation is here: “liberate, uncover, and express your own voice”
May 22 2023 we are starting the 6 weeks online course wherein I will bring you onto a journey of liberating the soft, sacred, healing, and revolutionary power of your singing voice.
- I will help you uncover your own unique instrument.
- Your loving voice gets the chance to release the old unhelpful beliefs and ways that have prevented your soul to freely sing with you.
- I will teach you how to invite her to safely uncover her song and healing powers.
- And I also share my alchemical vocal embodiment meditations that we will do together.
- Both processes: 1. the teachings of the Uncovering of the Singing Voice (from the anthroposophical inspired School for Uncovering the Voice from Valborg Werbeck-Svärdström) 2. and my own Sacred Embodiment & Voice Arts, offer a deep grounding energy of Self Confidence and joy. Two qualities that will help you immensely in raising your frequency and holding it high.
BONUS: first 4 participants are eligible to a private Intuitive Vocal Freedom session with me
Early bird price: € 399,-
Payment plans available. If you have questions, or need a payment plan please reach out to me with a message through Whatsapp +31610358872.