Awaken the Voice of the Goddess Within: A Call to Unleash Your Creational Power

by | Sep 3, 2024 | Burnout, Feminine power, Reclaiming Power, Self expression, Soul Expression, Voice

To all you powerful women who feel deeply, dream boldly, and live authentically, this is your call. It’s time to rise, time to awaken, and time to use the divine force within you—the Goddess Voice that burns with the fire of creation. You are not here to blend in or be quiet. No, you are here to be seen, to be heard, and to shake things up. It’s time to shed the masks of conformity and let your unique light shine in all its brilliance.

The Goddess Voice: Your Untapped Source of Power

I know what it’s like to feel different, to feel like your very essence is “too much” for the world. As a child, I felt the world intensely. I could sense unspoken truths and hidden fears like shadows in the air, even in my own home. My heart longed for truth and connection, and I did everything I could to help those around me feel seen and understood. But as I grew older, the weight of my own truth became heavy.

Early on, I learned that society wasn’t always kind to those who lived outside the lines. My sensitivity, psychic gifts, deep spirituality, and neurodiversity marked me as different. I struggled to fit in, to find a place where my voice could be heard without judgment. I remember trying to numb my emotions, to quiet the storm inside me, thinking that if I could just dull the noise, I might finally find peace.

At 13, I thought I had found the answer. I stopped eating, believing that if I could control my body, I could control my emotions. I convinced myself that feeling less was better than feeling too much. But the truth is, I wasn’t controlling anything. I was running—from my power, from my truth, from the very things that made me uniquely me. Luckily, at the same time, through every storm that I found myself in, I had the experience of my near-death experience at 11 when I realized I was connected to something far greater than myself, something that wouldn’t let me hide. I knew deep within that my sensitivity, my emotions, and my desires were not burdens to be managed but gifts to be embraced.

Reclaim Your Desires: They Are Your Soul’s Compass

I understand how overwhelming it can be to have dreams and desires that feel too big for this world. You’ve been told to quiet down, to play nice, to fit into boxes that were never meant for you. But let me tell you this: your desires are not too much. They are not something to hide or feel ashamed of. They are the whispers of your soul, the guideposts leading you to your most authentic self.

Like you, I’ve felt the pressure to conform, to be “normal.” I’ve felt the fear of standing out, of being judged for who I am—a bisexual, polyamorous woman with ADHD, a spiritual seeker who has always sensed things others couldn’t. But I’ve learned that my desires are my compass. They are divine sparks placed within me by the Goddess herself, meant to guide me through the darkness and into my own light.

Your desires are the guideposts of your soul, where you can live in your truth. Your truth is your power. Do not believe the lie that you must choose between your desires and your worth. You are worthy because of your desires; they are the clearest expressions of your divine purpose.

We have been shamed for our desires. Our desires, we have been taught, are what corrupts us.

But let me be clear: If there is ONE big piece of liberating wisdom, I hope to inspire you with, it is this: The only thing that truly can make us a mess is having to subscribe to a story and a belief that has nothing to do with who we are. This forces us to play a role that’s not us and makes us feel we are a failure. That’s where our shame and our hopelessness of “never being enough” sets in.

Embrace Your Emotions: They Are the Alchemy of Creation

For years, I tried to keep my emotions in check, to be calm and collected, to be sensible, and to fit into a mould that wasn’t made for me. But I’ve learned that my emotions are my greatest teachers. They are the alchemical fire that transforms desire into reality. Every burst of joy, every wave of sadness, every spark of anger is a message from the Goddess, inviting you to dive deeper into your own experience. To look at “what is going on over here” and find out what it has to say without over-analysing it and having to give it a whole new meaning, a story, and a whole new distraction. Feeling the emotion and letting it speak to you, inform you, and alchemise it into your own higher frequency… that IS the alchemy.

This journey isn’t about being perfect; it’s about being real. It’s about allowing yourself to feel everything—deeply and without apology. I, too, have days where I want to hide, to shrink my energy, pretend I’m small, have no say over my circumstances, and retreat into silencing my 98 percent of my full potential and inner fire. But I’ve found that even in those moments, there is power in choosing to lean in, to work with my emotions, and to let them guide me. Your emotions are not your enemy; they are your allies. They are the raw, unfiltered expressions of your soul’s deepest truths. Embrace them, and you will discover a wellspring of wisdom and strength.

The Power of Love: The True Force of Transformation

In a world that often feels harsh and unyielding, where power is mistaken for control and dominance, we must remember the most transformative power of all: Love. Your Goddess Voice is a voice of love—untamed, fierce, tender, and compassionate. It is a love that cannot be twisted or manipulated, a love that heals, nurtures, and unites.

This love is why you are here.

Not to fight, but to transform.

To turn fear into freedom, pain into wisdom, and chaos into harmony.

By embracing the Goddess Voice within you, you’re choosing to create a reality where love guides every action, word, and choice.

Unleash Your Creational Force: The Time for Silence is Over

You didn’t come here to play small or to blend in. You came here to be a catalyst for change, to lift the world by lifting yourself. This is not a call for compliance but a revolution of love—a revolution that starts with you.

Speak your truth. Use your voice to break down the walls that have kept you confined. Cry out, sing, scream if you must. Let the world hear the full, unapologetic power of the Goddess within you. This is your moment to rise, to claim your space, and to show up as your whole, radiant self.

Activate Your Goddess Voice: A Practical Path Forward

Here’s what I want you to do right now—yes, right now. Place your hands on your head, your heart, and your womb (or deepest creative centre). Feel the energy there—feel it vibrate with the power of the universe. This is your magic, your divine right.

Speak your desires from these places. Let them flow out of you, wild and unrestrained. Imagine your voice weaving your desires into the fabric of reality, co-creating with the universe itself. Feel the Goddess within you smile as you reclaim your birthright to manifest and transform.

A Final Call to Action: Step into Your True Power

This is not just an invitation; it’s also a call to arms. I know we are not supposed to want to be in a war, but at the same time, there is so much nonsense still attached to the way we are supposed to show up that we are in need of shedding all the excess that is weighing us down. This is making us so tired that there is an epidemic of burnout and overall tiredness in women all over the world. I am giving you the image of the Goddess Kali, who is the protector of life and comes with her weaponry to cut off all that is untrue and endangering creation itself.

Your very own voice is your most potent instrument, weapon, and medicine for change. Use it to dismantle the limitations placed upon you, to carve out a space for your truth, and to build a world that reflects the full, vibrant expanse of your soul.

And remember, it’s okay to feel unsure, to stumble, to question. This path isn’t linear; it’s a beautifully winding journey full of lessons and growth. Trust in your process and know that every step you take is a step toward a world overflowing with love, truth, and beauty.

So, what are you waiting for? Stop whispering. Stop holding back. Let your Goddess Voice rise, let it resonate, and let it lead the way to a brighter, more harmonious world. Embrace your divine calling, speak your deepest truths, and let love guide you on this journey of transformation.  

About the Author

Elisabeth de Charon de Saint Germain lives in the North of the Netherlands in the middle of nature. She is the mother of two amazing grown-ups and is a recorded classical singer,  a certified One of Many® Women Coach, trainer, and intuitive. She works as a global transformational voice and soul-led leadership coach, guiding trailblazers in all areas of life, business, and profession to unlock their unique voice, embrace their full potential, and unapologetically take up their rightful place and space wherever they are. Born with a deep sensitivity and a connection to the spiritual realm, Elisabeth has navigated her own journey through the challenges of neurodiversity, psychic awareness, and embracing her identity as a bisexual, polyamorous woman. She believes in the divine power of the voice. A Goddess Voice within each of us—a voice that, when unleashed, can transform our lives and the world around us.

Ready to begin your journey to uncover your Goddess Voice?

Elisabeth has created a free e-book, “Voicing Your Desires into Manifestation,” which dives deep into the essential principles and practices for harnessing the power of your voice. This e-book guides you on a transformative path to reclaim your truth, align with your desires, and unlock your full potential.

By downloading this e-book, you’ll discover:

  • Practical steps to connect with your inner voice and express your authentic self.
  • Tools and techniques for using your voice as a powerful force for personal and spiritual transformation.
  • Insights on how to align with your deepest desires and manifest a life that truly reflects who you are.

Don’t miss this opportunity to start your journey toward embracing your Goddess Voice. Download your free copy today and take the first step toward not only finding your voice but also unapologetically taking up space in your authentic life. [Download my Free E-Book Here]



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